Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How to make your head hurt: Part I

Do the math.

So we're going into the big 2nd week of school now, which is really the 1st substantive week, as last week was a lot of course administration along the lines of: "So, you're a grad student now.... we sure hope you're literate, cause here's a list of books longer than most of the books you've read. Just start at the top and check back next week."

This was of course what everyone tells you about grad school- that the amount of reading is unfathomable. What's strange is that it seems totally fathomable- 3 classes X 1 book a week = 3 books a week. Assume a book is on average 300 pages. That is 900 pages of reading a week. Then pretend you're only in class 12 hours a week, sleep 8 hours a day, and eat/walk/brush your teeth in front of a book. That leaves 6,720 minutes free a week to read. Easy: Just read one page on average every 7 minutes, and you may have a few moments left over to write a couple of pages in response to each book that is due the night before class.

Wanna try it out? Consult the reading lists to the right. I've listed the books by class, with links to Amazon.
This weeks challenge:
  • Modern Geographical Thought
  • The Geographical Tradition
  • Making Globalization Work
For bonus points, try getting through the geography text books in 2 hours blocks like the ones they allot us at the library!

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